
Microsoft Teams
Penthara Org Chart for your Microsoft Teams – an alternative to inbuilt Microsoft Org Chart

Explore the alternative to in-built Microsoft Org Chart - Penthara Org Chart for MS Teams. Discover its capabilities, such as seamless integration with SharePoint user profiles and Azure AD, advanced search functionality, and customizable user cards. Enhance collaboration with clear hierarchy views and enjoy simple installation.

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Create and Publish custom Teams Together Mode Backgrounds using Canva and Scene Studio

Want to learn how to design, build, and publish a custom together mode background for Microsoft Teams? Our blog provides step-by-step instructions on how to make and publish custom-together mode Teams backgrounds using Canva and Scene Studio Editor in a matter of hours.

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Creating reminder Adaptive cards in Microsoft Teams for upcoming events from a SharePoint calendar list

Learn how to create an Adaptive Card in Power Automate that posts a summary of upcoming events like Birthdays, Work Anniversaries and Holidays to an MS Teams Channel. The source of these events is the SharePoint legacy calendar app. Advanced Dynamic JSON Adaptive Card implementation has been covered extensively in this example.

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Creating interactive adaptive cards in MS Teams with dynamic data from SharePoint Lists

Do you want to learn how to create adaptive cards in Microsoft Teams that can interact with SharePoint lists and respond to user actions? In this blog, we will show you how to use Power Automate to send dynamic data from SharePoint to Teams as adaptive cards. You will also see how to customize the adaptive cards for different departments and provide them with relevant rejection reasons. This way, you can avoid hard-coding the adaptive cards and make them more flexible and user-friendly. Read on to find out how to achieve this with some simple steps and screenshots.

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30 invaluable integrations that you should be using with Microsoft Teams

Learn how to master People Picker columns in SharePoint from the Power Apps canvas app. In this blog post, you will find detailed step-by-step instructions on creating, updating, and clearing People Picker columns for single and multi-user setups in SharePoint.

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