
Microsoft 365
Stay Ahead of Threats with Microsoft Copilot for Security - What You Need to Know

Cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving, keeping IT professionals on their toes. But what if you had a powerful AI assistant by your side, proactively hunting threats and simplifying security operations? Enter Microsoft Copilot for Security, a game-changer in the cybersecurity landscape.

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Top 5 Configurations to Improve Identity Secure Score

In this blog, we will discuss the overview of Identity Secure Score in Azure AD and the top 5 configurations that will improve your Secure Score. These recommendations come from working in the Azure AD security space for multiple years across different industry verticals.

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How to choose the best Antivirus Software for your business

Are you a business owner or security decision-maker looking for the best antivirus solution to protect your data? Read on. This blog will guide you on what aspects you must look at to choose the best Antivirus for your business.

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The Ultimate Guide for securing Microsoft 365 Business email

This blog discusses how cyberattacks originating from business emails can be minimized and prevented. Alongside, a bonus guide is also mentioned that has a full in-depth analysis and instructions that are mentioned for advanced business email security in M365 that is completely free to download.

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Configuring Conditional Access Policy to restrict access from specific IP or Location

This blog is about how to restrict access to any application from different office locations in the world by using conditional access policies in Microsoft Azure. We are using specific IP address ranges to identify and name our office locations.

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